We are the glimmer of hope that burns in the night
We are the words that refuse to stay inside
We are the ears that listen intuitively
We are the hearts that beat in harmony
We are the feet that tread the uneven path
We are the blood that pulsates with our wrath
We are the strength that fuels our bones
We are the courage amid the undertow
We are the eyes that offer unspoken smiles
We are the hardy travellers overcoming trials
We are the unwavering fist punching the air
We are minds unbroken in spite of despair
We are the fight to redirect our shame
We are the forgiveness that sets us aflame
We are the glimmer of hope that burns in the night
We are the words that refuse to stay inside.
Rising Free is a deeply moving anthology of creative writing by seven survivors who have used our services. It is about survival, healing, finding your voice and calling for change. The contributions in Rising Free are intended to share strength and voice with other survivors. It honours the power of survivor stories in creating change, both individually and societally.
Copies of Rising Free, are available by donation from our centre or can be posted out for a donation, plus £3 postage and packaging. Please email if you would like a copy.